This page is an archive of iMAL's wiki that operated between 2012 and 2022. It documented projects, residencies and workshops mostly taking place at iMAL's Fablab.

Older & newer Fablab projects are now found at

All tagged 3d-printing

 you are lucky (like me) exposé à la galerie C-O-M-P-O-S-I-T-E du 13/11/2015 au 16/01/2016‘Distributeur’ fait partie de you are lucky (like me). Cette oeuvre utilise des techniques avec la découpeuse laser et l'impression 3D.Premières ébauches.Schéma du principe de fonctionnement du monnayeur....
Dans l'optique du cours de 3D, il nous a été demandé de modéliser des objets prêts pour l'impression 3D.Le thème commun qui nous a été proposé était l'urbain, ce qui nous à laisser de nombreux choix à disposition. J'ai choisi pour ma part la cabine téléphonique anglaise. Une fois la modélisation...
Dans le cadre de notre cours de 3D, nous avons décidés de modéliser des objets prenant place dans le milieu urbain pour pouvoir ensuite les imprimer en 3D.Ne sachant pas encore exactement quelles seraient les difficultés liées à l'impression 3D, J'ai choisi de modéliser une colonne Morris. La...
Réalisation d’un objet « Urbain » Une bouche d’égout et sa tuyauterie, réalisée en 3D grâce au programme Maya et imprimé avec la technologie d’impression 3D, série Mendel, rajouter des éléments découpés au laser et réalisation d’autres éléments avec la machine a extrudé. Mendel imprimante...
Replacing Your Resin TankThis information has been taken from the Formlabs Printer care websiteThe resin tank is an acrylic tray with an optical window and silicone (PDMS) layer that contains the liquid resin and assists the laser in curing the resin. After many prints, the silicone layer in the...
I'm David, I live in Hasselt and in Brussels. I have a masters' degree in Animation specialising in 3D animation and I have been working with 3D modeling and animation since 1999. I allso teach 3D computeranimation at RITS School of Arts and Multec, both in Brussels. I am very interested in...
link datasculpture visualizing Google Analytics data about visit of webpage. The data represents one year cycle with events being visualised as a peaks or falls. Significant events are visible, some of them caused by activity towards public...
You've look carefully at all the printer software's option, but you want to go further. You can directly write or edit the gcode. Those are human understandable commands.For example, I want to print a model and insert something during the printing process. The printer need to stop at a certain...
Work in progressTube-like effect with an hidden RGB Led controlled with Arduino and I2C protocol.An old radio.Steampunk accessories on the top to hide some wire and to stylized the radio.A part of the 3D model for this project :The printing progress : Printed and then painted to have a better...
Spécialiste en design 3D depuis plus de 10 ans, je suis également peintre et sculpteur, J'ai étudié à l'Accadémie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles mais je suis surtout autodidacte.
This is a comparison of the same model printed with a Makerbot Replicator2 and a Form1. This model need to be the exact dimension. Parts like motors, cables and screw can perfectly fit.First of all you can print thread with the form1, it's almost impossible with the replicator, ultimaker and thing-...
Handyman, stupid things inventor, dreamer or young old kid dealing plastic creations, music and lots of other games...
From your idea to the 3D print with some simple stepsPrepress -> Slicing -> PrintingPrepressGet or create your 3D model. See link and or use a 3D modeler to create your own. Export it to STL  (if necessary). STL is a file format...
This is a robotized microphone clamp. It can rotate along 2 axis.I design and print several parts :Here is a close up of the printed parts :And of course a video to show it moving with a microphone :
PrieroMatic project in beta version. Description : Insert a coin, choose the sin you want to be forgiven, then you hear some sound and a voice telling you how to gain your redemption. Mood: cynical and funny TODO: create sound content and LCD message, the kind of sin to choose (funny)....
The machine should be calibrated, the calibration data are saved in the machine. You can view them in GCode through:Machine -> OnBoard Preferences -> HomingCurrent working values for iMAL's Thing-O-Matic : X home offset (mm) : -54.281 Y home offset (mm) : -56.448 Z home offset (mm) : 97....
There should be a dedicated computer in the FabLab with all the softwares installed to operate the MakerBot. But if you ever needed to install everything on an another computer...This is for iMAL's Makerbot Thing-O-Matic with its MK6 extruder (0.5mm noozle)!Make sure the Makerbot is...
This is what we want to achieve by simplifying the mesh.  It take a STL file in input, take the biggest heap of triangles, smooth it and decimate it. What you needA STL filePython + VTK (it's very convinient to use the package they have on their website: link...
Experiments with regular 3d geometry and  a bunch of algorithms. Ingredients: Processing, Hemesh, Makerbots, OpenSCAD, skeinforge.
In Belgium 1% of people alive today will die in the coming year. Each death is a heavily localized social trauma, its repercussions seldomly spreading out  and quickly fading into the general background of day-to-day life. In the end nothing remains but a statistic, a point defect in the lives...
Marius Watz (NO) is an artist and sometime curator working with code as an aesthetic material. His work explores abstract forms as the outcome of generative systems, with output ranging from realtime software art to physical structures created using digital fabrication tools...