This page is an archive of iMAL's wiki that operated between 2012 and 2022. It documented projects, residencies and workshops mostly taking place at iMAL's Fablab.

Older & newer Fablab projects are now found at

Creative Fab 2021 Atelier Sculpture Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts

Un workshop de 4 jours de découverte et d'expérimentation des machines du fablab avec les élèves de Master de l'atelier Sculpture de l'ARBA. Cela a été l'occasion d'éprouver un nouveau partenariat avec l'ARBA et de former de nouveaux étudiants.

Le workshop a été animé pour la première fois par Thomas Depas, artiste et membre du fablab iMAL.


Handmade built electric generator. (Prototype #1). This generator will work with the energy of the north sea waves. Electricity and movement generated by the sea will activate a tape recorder. Workshop with the arti...
Started with some monumental structure and simple form. And bring more complicated form (Eiffel Tower) to develop the interface skill and knowledge about 3D printing. And now I’m printing the small city composed o...
I come from an spontaneous artistic practice where projects appear during the manipulation of traditional materials. The time working in the studio takes a central place in those projects and the process is a concep...



Animated by:

Date: 8 Mar 2021