This page is an archive of iMAL's wiki that operated between 2012 and 2022. It documented projects, residencies and workshops mostly taking place at iMAL's Fablab.

Older & newer Fablab projects are now found at

Creative Fab 2021 Académie des Arts de Molenbeek

Un workshop de 4 jours de découverte et d'expérimentation des machines du fablab avec les élèves de l'Académie des Arts de Molenbeek. Le workshop a été malheureusement pertubé par les nouvelles mesures COVID de la fin mars 2021.

Le workshop a été animé par Félix Luque, artiste et cofondateur du fablab iMAL.


Idea was to go from an image to a 3D print. I had a tee-shirt with the Gruss'circus logo. I found the horse quite interesting to be used for various things and certainly o to have a 3D horse based on it. I have scan...
Idea was to duplicate a sculpture crafted by my wife. I have used an "how-to" found on Youtube I have used the "photos" part only (not tested the video to image extraction...



Animated by:

Date: 5 Apr 2021