This page is an archive of iMAL's wiki that operated between 2012 and 2022. It documented projects, residencies and workshops mostly taking place at iMAL's Fablab.

Older & newer Fablab projects are now found at

Witty Pi Hat

Witty Pi Hat

It's a hat that you insert on your raspberry Pi. It adds several functions :

  • a clean shutdown and startup physical button
  • It keeps the time with an external RTC clock (with is own power)
  • It enables the system to startups or shutdown at a precise time.

It's useful in our case for the gallery. We can have multiple art installations and program them to startup 10 minutes before the opening hours and to shutdown 10 minutes after the closing hours.

In complex showcase or exhibition, you are sure that you don't forget to startups an element.


The user manual is well documented.

The install script is on Github.

If you use other GPIOs, like another hat or your own physical computing, you have to be aware that the Witty Pi Hat use GPIO 4, 17, 2 (SDA 1), 3 (SCL 1), 14 (TXD ).

For the startup/shutdown button, you can wire your own physical button.

Le dossier contenant les scripts d'horraires :  ~/wittyPi/schedules

Voici le script utilisé dans nos expos pour allumer les installations du mercredi au dimanche de 12h55 à 18h55 :

BEGIN BEGIN    2017-04-26 12:55:00        # Mercredi
END        2025-07-31 23:59:59
# -- Mercredi --
ON    H6                   
OFF   H18
# -- Jeudi --
ON    H6                   
OFF   H18
# -- vendredi --
ON    H6                   
OFF   H18
# -- samedi --
ON    H6                   
OFF   H18
# -- dimanche --
ON    H6                   
OFF   D2 H18


To setup the system :

cd wittyPi
sudo ./




Difficulty: 4/5


Last updated: December 2017