This page is an archive of iMAL's wiki that operated between 2012 and 2022. It documented projects, residencies and workshops mostly taking place at iMAL's Fablab.

Older & newer Fablab projects are now found at

Jiraiya Geta OMI (CNC41)

Hello to you reader of this post.  
If you are wondering what the hell is a Geta and who is Jiraiya.  

A Geta is a traditional shoe from Japon.  
I saw for the first time those shoes weared by the  sage of the saga Naruto: Jiraiya.  

The simplicity of the shoe and the design was perfect for my main research project:
allow to control your computer from a move of you foot.

The project is call OMI for Open Macro Input.
Meaning that you can trigger Macro (serie of actions) on your computer from lot's of different entries.
For more information on that project, I invite you to go there:

As I am a total beginner on the CNC, I dedicated this month of August to the exploration of those machines.
That why my research is call "CNC for one Month"  CNC41

If I have to resume what I am researching on in this project:
"How to use CNC and wood structure to build Arduino project without breadboard and in the most accessible/production ways possible."

If like me you want to explore mainly the CNC but you don't know where to start,
I invite you to follow my steps on my research & development notes, here:

I am alway open to discussion and sharing knowedge around a coffe.
If you have any questions, feel free to ping me:

May the code and the wood be with you.
Kind regards,




Date: August 2020

Last updated: August 2020