How to create slices of a HE_Mesh mesh in Processing
This sketch illustrates the "most" efficient way of generating planar slices of a static mesh.
- Generate the HE_Mesh mesh
- Create an efficient intersection structure from the mesh: a WB_AABBTree tree (axis-aligned box tree)
- Specify a slicing plane P of type WB_Plane
- Use HE_Intersection.getIntersection(tree,P) to get all intersections as a list of line segments of type List<WB_ExplicitSegment>
- Reorient the 3D segments back to the XY plane (by expressing them in the local coordinate system of the slicing plane P)
- Do whatever you want with the segments
In the following example the segments are cast into a float[] array: 3 coordinates of start point of first segment, 3 coordinates of end point of first segment, 3 coordinates of start point of second segment, etc...
Have fun!
import wblut.core.processing.*; import wblut.hemesh.subdividors.*; import wblut.hemesh.creators.*; import wblut.geom.tree.*; import wblut.hemesh.core.*; import wblut.geom.core.*; float[][] data;//Fake data HE_Mesh mesh; WB_Render render; WB_AABBTree tree; float[] segments; void setup() { size(800, 800, P3D); createData(); HEC_DataCylinder dc=new HEC_DataCylinder().setRadius(20, 50).setHeight(780); dc.setDataFromFloat(data).setChamfer(0.8); mesh=new HE_Mesh(dc); tree=new WB_AABBTree(mesh, 4); render=new WB_Render(this); } void draw() { background(255); translate(height/2, height/2, 0); //Dynamic slice plane WB_Plane P=new WB_Plane(0, 0, mouseX-width/2, 0, 0, 1); stroke(0, 0, 255); strokeWeight(3); //Efficient slicing List<WB_ExplicitSegment> cuts=HE_Intersection.getIntersection(tree, P); segments=new float[cuts.size()*6]; for (int i=0;i<cuts.size();i++) { WB_Segment seg=cuts.get(i); WB_Point3d start=seg.getOrigin(); WB_Point3d end=seg.getEnd(); //Projecting all points in XY Plane start=P.localPoint(start); end=P.localPoint(end); start.z=0;//Z should be 0 but just to be clean end.z=0; seg=new WB_ExplicitSegment(start, end); segments[i*6]=start.xf(); segments[i*6+1]=start.yf(); segments[i*6+2]=start.zf(); segments[i*6+3]=end.xf(); segments[i*6+4]=end.yf(); segments[i*6+5]=end.zf(); render.drawSegment(seg); } directionalLight(255, 255, 255, 1, 1, -1); directionalLight(127, 127, 127, -1, -1, 1); translate(0, 0, -200); rotateX(mouseY*TWO_PI/height-PI); rotateY(HALF_PI); fill(255); noStroke(); render.drawFaces(mesh); noFill(); strokeWeight(0.5); stroke(0); render.drawEdges(mesh); fill(255, 0, 0, 50); noStroke(); render.draw(P, 500); } void createData() { data=new float[20][20]; for (int i=0; i < 20; i++) { for (int j=0; j < 20; j++) { data[i][j]=200*noise(0.2*i, 0.2*j); } } }
Difficulty: ●●●○○
Last updated: February 2012