Joatan Preis Dutra
Joatan Preis Dutra is a PhD candidate in Media, at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, located at the Chair of Interface Design, with the research project: “Cultural Heritage on Mobile Devices: an analysis about the collaborative relations and dynamics between the content promoters and users”. He holds a Master degree in Digital Media (by an inter-university program between University of Bremen, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, and University of the Arts Bremen, in Bremen / Germany – 2011), another Master degree in Multimedia Production (in Kiel / Germany – 2006) and a Bachelor degree in History and Teaching (in Florianópolis / Brazil - 2002).
During the PhD research, also lectured courses about mobile media and urban spaces, such as “Mobile Culture and Urban Spaces” and “Collaborative Mobile Media” for Master students of the Faculty of Media, from programs such as “Media Architecture”, “Media Design”, “Media Management” and “Media and Computer Sciences”. The URL of the courses are available on:
He has experience in Design and Media, with emphasis on interaction about mobile media and urban spaces, focused in the following areas: Interface Design, Mobile Media, Urban Media, Mass and Culture Media, and User Interface.

Wikiborn: June 2014